The French+ Initiative is an interdisciplinary research hub at MIT providing top-notch expertise on French language, and on French and francophone cultures.
Our faculty and lecturers specialize in four main areas:
Literature and the Practice of French Language
Second language acquisition and literature.
Digital learning and intercultural communication.
Hagiographical narratives of 16th- and 17th-century women writers.
Translation and the relationships between French and other languages.
Cultural hybridity in Belgium.
Semiology and literary theory.
19th- and 20th-French prose fiction.
Contemporary women writers.
France, and the Global History of Arts and Technologies
18th century architecture.
French theater and the Comédie Française.
Museography and memory.
The photographic history of Paris.
The People’s Republic of China through French eyes.
Popular beliefs of science, science fiction and culture.
The European Enlightenment.
French Film.
Cultural critique and media in France.
Decolonization, Diaspora, and Creative Cultures in the Francophone World
Slavery and revolutions.
Haitian communities in the US.
Trauma, violence, and global health.
Popular entertainment and colonialism.
Family law in North Africa.
Black African subjectivities.
Creative industries in Africa.
Early voyages, colonization and the relationships between Europe and Québec.
Politics, Social Theory, and Law in Contemporary France and Europe
French and European political institutions.
Nations, governance and globalization.
Family policies and bioethics.
Street-level bureaucracy.
20th century European political thought.
Social movements, migrations, and youth cultures.
Anti-discrimination law, and the politics of gender, sexuality, race, and class.
Intellectual exchanges between France and the United States.